Monday, August 30, 2010

How to setup an aquarium for fish?

If you are looking for tips and ideas about setting up an aquarium for fish then you are at the right place. Planning an aquarium beforehand is a great idea if you want to avoid any mishap. The important thing about the entire planning one is to focus on the fish and their comfort. You should keep in mind their food and habitat need in mind.

The first step is to buy an aquarium for fish. it can be of glass or acrylic. The tank should be large enough to provide the fish with enough space to move around. Now you have to get a suitable substrate for your aquarium. There are several options such as coral sand, rocks etc.

Now add water to the aquarium. The temperature of water should be around 68 to 77 Fahrenheit. A water filter is the most essential equipment that you need for your aquarium. There are three types of filters which are mechanical, chemical and biological. You can get one from the shop where you bought your aquarium. 

The lighting source should be good enough to make the fish visible. During the day the fish should get good amount of light because it has some essential nutrients in it. Also, plants need light o carry out photosynthesis.

You can add live plants to your aquarium for fish. This will balance the environment. Both the plants and fish should have similar temperature requirements.

While choosing the fish for your aquarium, keep in mind that all of them have similar needs and are friendly towards each other. They should be smaller in size. You can also study about different types of fish and their needs on the internet too.

All these factors if kept in mind will help you design an excellent aquarium for fish.

aquarium for fish

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