Monday, August 30, 2010

How to deal with problems in Tropical Fish Tanks

After you have gone through the process of setting up a tropical fish tank, you’ll definitely want to get some reward out of it. It is easy to maintain a newly constructed aquarium however problems may arise in it. It is often seen that algae starts growing in the new aquariums a short while after they’ve been set up. Because of this the fish start to die and the aquarium does not look new. There are many reasons for this. Here we’ll discuss the steps you can take to avoid such issues.

Whenever a problem arises, many of us rush to our aquarium supplier and get the remedial things he has to offer. But keep in mind that putting that stuff into the tropical fish tank is only going to multiply the problems. Another big mistake that many of the beginners do is that they empty the whole of the tank to start all over again. By doing this you lose the useful bacteria.

You can correct the thing that has gone wrong even without any chemical remedies.

High Concentrations of Deadly Chemicals

It often happens that the fish start dying and there is no visible change in the aquarium. When this happens, you should know that the chemical composition of water needs to be checked. The most probable cause of this is high levels of nitrates and ammonia. The useful bacteria in the aquarium help in keeping these levels close to normal. If your tank overcrowded, then it is difficult for the bacteria to cycle all the ammonia and nitrates.

Bullying Fish

The combination of different fish that you have should be friendly with each other. Some fish are friendly when they are young but when they grow up they start bullying other fish. An example is the tiger barbs.

Lack of Water Changes

You should replace the water regularly. This is necessary to remove any wastes that might accumulate in the tank e.g. nitrates. They re completely removed by the partial replacement of water.

Adding Chlorine Contaminated Water

if you are using tap water, then you must know that it contains chlorine. This can be harmful for the fish. If you keep the water standing for a few days, you can eliminate the chlorine. However, the water which contains chloramines is difficult to purify. To deal with it, you should add a chemical treatment before you add the water to your tropical fish tank.

Overfeeding The Fish

A very common problem is overfeeding. This results in leftovers and rotting of the food. This decaying food releases toxins into the water. The tip to avoid this is feeding the fish with lesser food. The amount of food which they finish in 3 minutes is enough for them.

tropical fish tank

How to setup an aquarium for fish?

If you are looking for tips and ideas about setting up an aquarium for fish then you are at the right place. Planning an aquarium beforehand is a great idea if you want to avoid any mishap. The important thing about the entire planning one is to focus on the fish and their comfort. You should keep in mind their food and habitat need in mind.

The first step is to buy an aquarium for fish. it can be of glass or acrylic. The tank should be large enough to provide the fish with enough space to move around. Now you have to get a suitable substrate for your aquarium. There are several options such as coral sand, rocks etc.

Now add water to the aquarium. The temperature of water should be around 68 to 77 Fahrenheit. A water filter is the most essential equipment that you need for your aquarium. There are three types of filters which are mechanical, chemical and biological. You can get one from the shop where you bought your aquarium. 

The lighting source should be good enough to make the fish visible. During the day the fish should get good amount of light because it has some essential nutrients in it. Also, plants need light o carry out photosynthesis.

You can add live plants to your aquarium for fish. This will balance the environment. Both the plants and fish should have similar temperature requirements.

While choosing the fish for your aquarium, keep in mind that all of them have similar needs and are friendly towards each other. They should be smaller in size. You can also study about different types of fish and their needs on the internet too.

All these factors if kept in mind will help you design an excellent aquarium for fish.

aquarium for fish

Tips on decorating your office with a Freshwater Fish Aquarium

The thing that’s admired by young and adult alike are freshwater fish aquariums. They are very often present in offices and homes. This article will provide you with a few tips on how to select aquariums for your home or office.

Tip 1: the most important thing that you should decide before buying an aquarium is its location in your house or office. The location should be visible to viewers and it shouldn’t be noisy or crowded. The aquarium shouldn’t be in the way because if it gets toppled over, there’s going to be a lot of mess.

Buy a large aquarium only if have enough space to accommodate it. There are other types of aquariums too which are installed on walls. Get the type that you can easily maintain. Keep in mind that you will have to feed your fish and refill water too.

Tip 2:

When you buy an aquarium, make sure that you get all the installation material with it. Otherwise, it will be very hard for you to find separate items such as filters, heaters and lighting system. You can also have a floating thermometer to check the temperature.


Tip 3:


Next is the selection of the fish and plants for your freshwater fish aquarium. Select the fish that you think will compliment the theme of your room or office and the paint on the walls e.g. if you have off-white paint and dark furniture, you can get bright colored fish for your freshwater aquarium. The fish should also have some degree of color matching within them too. The fish either stay at the bottom, middle or the top. So choose the colors of the fish accordingly. After you have chosen the fish, get some decorations for the aquarium too. This will beautify your aquarium.


If you follow these tips, you will surely set up a freshwater fish aquarium that will catch everyone’s eye.

freshwater fish aquariums

How to keep a Tropical Fish Tank Balanced

If you look around and examine nature, you’ll find out that everything is balanced. Our habitats are balanced. Keeping this in mind, you need to provide a balanced environment to your fish as well. This is extremely important for their healthy growth and nourishment.

If you are new in fish keeping ten it will take some time before you understand this phenomenon of keeping a balance. You will take some time in understanding the needs of your tropical fish tank because there are a variety of different organisms. Sometimes you will think that there are too many plants and some times you will think that there are too many fish which are polluting the water. You will feel that the ratio is not accurate as the plants are producing a lot of algae.

This article will act as a solution for your worries.

The first and the foremost rule is to provide a balanced diet to the fish. It should have both animal and vegetable part present in it. This will generate in fish maximum resistance from diseases. Don’t overfeed the fish as this will only make them ill.

The second thing that you need to know is that a large tank is not easy to maintain as compared to a small one. It will only create mess and will need too much time and care.

The third and last thing is that decorations hold an important place in a tropical fish aquarium. They provide a close to nature habitat for the fish. The fish get more comfortable and move around easily. These things also prove as hiding places foe the fish. 

If you keep in mind all these factors, you will surely maintain your tropical fish tank in a balanced shape. Your fish will be healthier and active.

tropical fish tanks

Tips on Keeping Angelfish in home Aquarium

If you want to have a colorful personality and also want colors around you then, you would definitely like to have some good color fish added to your home aquarium. Angelfish is one such colorful and appealing fish. It will be your best choice for such a fish. The good thing is that you can get these in different colors and shapes.

These fish live for very long if taken care properly. If you know how to treat them then they might live for about 10 years. Marble angelfish is one of the most beautiful ones amongst all. It is stunning silver and black fish and can grow up to about six inches. These fish might change the color as well.

If you want to have these angelfish then it’s a good idea to have at least a group of six to eight of them. Do not add too young and too old fish together. Try to add all the fish of the same age and size. These fish stay happy in groups so, even if you have a working home aquarium then add at least three or four of these angelfish together. They’ll have a better chance to survive, together. These angelfish also require a lot of space in aquarium. Also, they like to lots of live plants. This also gives them with a better environment to play around in the aquarium.

Angelfish is observed to have a friendly nature towards the other. So, it is very certain that they will not harm the others if raised with others in a single tank. Also, they are easy going and happy natured. If you provide them with enough space and good food to keep them healthy, they will stay active and playful. It is also observed that angelfish are very protective and good parents while in a home aquarium. So, if they have some offspring then you need to transfer them to a separate tank so that they stay at peace with others.

home aquariums

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Set up the best Tropical Fish Aquarium!

Set up the best Tropical Fish Aquarium!

Thinking about setting up a tropical fish aquarium that’s eye-catching? Here’s how you can do that! You just need to follow these steps and your aquarium will be one that is admired by everyone!
Tropical fish which are generally available at pet shops vary in color, size, pattern, fin design, preferred living conditions and temperaments. Before buying anything, carry out a survey and see all the types of fish available in the market. Only you know the sort of aquarium you want and the care you can provide to fish. Keeping both of these in mind, choose the fish that appeals the most. Also consider the fact that the group of fish you plan to have should dwell peacefully with each other.
It is seen that there exists competition between fish for water space. To eliminate this, choose fish that live at different levels in the aquarium. These levels are top, middle and bottom. If you don’t have much information about these, you can ask the owner of the shop to tell you about different fish that dwell at different levels.  
Another point to be kept in mind is the number and size of the fish. Their size shouldn’t be very big as it will hinder in their movement. Also the number of the fish should be less. This will have two advantages for your tropical fish aquarium. Firstly, it will reduce competition and secondly it will not make the aquarium overcrowded with fish. The fish will therefore have ample amount of space to move around.
Do ask about the temperament of the fish from the shop owner. Aggressive fish can not live in harmony with the peaceful ones. So choose the ones that live in peace with each other. There should be very little competition for food. Feed the fish regularly at set tines so that their biological clock gets adjusted. All in all, if you use these points while buying fish for your tropical fish aquarium, you will surely get the best results!

tropical fish aquarium


Friday, August 27, 2010

The Benefits of Aquarium Fish Tank Filters For Home

The Benefits of Aquarium Fish Tank Filters For Home 

Buying a fish aquarium for your home is surely the right decision if you want to beautify your home. People who are very passionate about fish would not think twice before getting an aquarium.  
Having some knowledge, before you actually set up an aquarium would help you maintain healthy fish. You should know a little bit about the habitat and other needs of the fish. You might think that maintaining fish is harder than you thought but once you get familiar with the methods and techniques, the job will become easier. 
People who start off without knowing anything about the fish and the care they need are surely going to land in mess. Their fish will keep dying everyday. Most of us neglect the importance of filters in our aquariums. However, they are extremely important for a clean and healthy environment. The filter keeps the aquarium toxin free and promotes the health of the fish to greater levels.
Basically, filters fulfill two aims, either being used in fresh water or in saltwater:
  • Firstly, they remove most of the physical and soluble chemical waste from the aquarium fish tank thereby reducing your work to a minimum of just cleaning the filter.
  • Secondly, they support the fish life in an aquarium fish tank. They make the fish’s life easier by making the environment closer to natural fish habitat.

You must observe that aquarium fish tank filters are a necessity rather than an option. So, when you are going to buy the things that make up your aquarium, consider the filter as the top priority. This will cost you a little initially but will increase the life of your fish. when the filter gets dirty you can just clean with a brush. Therefore the life of your aquarium increases considerably.

aquarium fish tank

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to choose best Freshwater Aquarium Design

How to choose best Freshwater Aquarium Design

If you are planning to setup a freshwater aquarium, you need to plan the whole process exact environment you create.
You need to start with the shape of the aquarium that you want. The freshwater aquarium can range from a size of one gallon to hundreds of gallons.
You then need to decide the would-be location of the aquarium in your home. Once, it is decided, you then have to see to the number of fish in your aquarium and the type of plants required. You should know that the number of fish decides the shape of aquarium.
You can choose from the large number of aquariums designs in the market. Water volume is not the only variable in deciding the size of the aquarium. Rectangular shape is the most favored shape because it is easier to maintain. Other popular designs are the L-shaped, square cubes, front-bulging etc.
Next, you should decide on the number of fish you want to go for. You would want to go for the number of fish that would not crowd your freshwater aquarium tank. The number of fish is also dependent on the shape of the tank. You should remember the thumb rule: one inch of fish requires one gallon of water. This is not a definite scale but a generally believed idea. You can even decide by considering the general surface area of the tank: One inch of fish per twelve square inches of the tank’s surface area.
If you are considering the surface area then rectangular fish tanks are better than hexagonal ones. Your aquarium shape would also depend on the habits and habitat of the fish. For instance, the fish stay at different water levels like surface dwellers, mid-level swimmers, and bottom dwellers.
If you are planning to start out for the first time, then you need to have ample information about the freshwater aquariums.

tropical fish tanks